Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A few days from delivery...

Here is a picture that Q took of me last night---right before the big day! It looks like the doctor is going to induce me on Thursday night, and I will have my little one on Friday, Sept. 26th. I am a little scared, but it is nice to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Q will be posting pictures on Friday or Saturday, so stay tuned to our blog.


Jennifer said...

You are just all one cute little tummy. We will be thinking of you all day and checking the blog every few minutes in hopes of seeing great pics of our newest nephew / cousin!!!!

Crazy Black family said...

Awww.. yay... you're totally busting at the seams. :) Yay. You're having a baby... good luck with the inducing thing- at least you get a little more sleep when the baby is on the outside and you just feed him and make Q hold him the rest of the time. :D (that's how he can pay for his computer)

pennyman said...

Congrats! Gage looks forward to hanging out with a new buddy.

brittany said...

Shelly!!!! I was so excited to see you on here. And your having a baby boy, that's awesome! Congrats! Looks like you guys are doing great. Good luck the next few days. :)

Anonymous said...

Good Luck. I was induced with Nathan and it went really well. I wish you the best. We can't wait to see your little cutie!!! =)

Steph said...

I had a dream last night that you ended up having a girl... you guys were totally frantic trying to figure out a name. Hopefully Boyd still works. :) And it's not a girl wearing boy clothes.